Past Events

Grand Holiday Draw Results 2019

Our Grand Holiday Draw has had another successful year. We raised over £1,500.00 All the prize winners were H & G members One week’s Boat Hire was won by Mr Marsh of Bristol A Day Boat Hire by Mr Sinnett of Wombourne Dinner, B & B at The Lock keepers by Mr Scarrott of Hay on Wye As always, a very big thank you  to Black Prince Narrow Boats, ABC […]

Honorary Life Presidents

Honorary Life Presidents The Board of Trustees have decided to appoint two long-standing volunteers as Honorary Life Presidents following their standing down from the former Council of Management during the past months. This is in recognition of their exceptional voluntary contribution in progressing a small preservation initiative into an inland waterways project that is often used nationally as an example of best practice of a sustainable canal restoration. Janet Moult has […]

Over Festival 2017

Over Festival 2017 Report – Volunteer Jenny Birkett reports on her first Over Festival experience…. ..being a new volunteer, I was impressed to see how the volunteers got on with our jobs in good humour. After Friday’s preparation it was great to see the Festival take shape on Saturday morning in time for the visitors. My role was to help in the refreshment tent very ably organised by Margaret. The […]

Newent & Oxenhall Open Day on the Canal 2016

Saturday, 10 September 2016 View our displays and enjoy some homemade cakes and refreshments in Oxenhall Village Hall. Talk a stroll along the towpath from the restored Oxenhall Lock, over the restored Elle Brook Aqueduct and on to Newent Station. See our progress at Newent Station where we plan to run the Canal through the platforms of the former railway station. Free admission. We hope you can make it!

Over Festival on the Canal 2014

Herefordshire & Gloucestershire Canal Trust’s ‘Over Festival on the Canal 2014’ was the most successful yet. The annual ‘Over Festival on the Canal’ was the largest so far. The site including the canal basin at Over, was visited by more than 1000 people to savour and discover and enjoy the wide variety of attractions in near perfect weather. The site is also the head office of the Herefordshire & Gloucestershire […]

Over Autumn Festival 2011

Over Autumn Canal Festival 2011 The year’s second festival weekend at Over was again blessed with dry weather. The new attractions for the weekend included some very beautiful birds of prey and a boat horse called Gypsy Queen who was a firm favourite with the visitors. Trips around the basin in Mister Maysey proved very popular as did guided tours to our newly acquired restoration site at Vineyard Hill.  A good […]