Green Environment

The Herefordshire & Gloucestershire Canal Trust ensures that in each restoration project, sustainability plays a key role in its planning and development.

Examples of this can be seen at each of our sites.

Our motto – Working together in the present to revive the past and secure a better future shows the very essence of sustainability.

We want to provide a green and pleasant waterway for future generations to enjoy.

Click on the following images to see more about the H&GCT’s approach to this important topic

Nature Watch

Restored waterways are a natural magnet for a wide range of flora and fauna. Habitats of woodland, hedgerow, grassland, wetlands and open water are plentiful in the green and pleasant corridors of the canal and we are maintaining them for future generations to enjoy. H&GCT volunteers take pride in encouraging local wildlife by introducing variety of bird and insect habitats and even an otter holt.

Tree management and planting – The H&G CT policy is to maintain and improve its tree stock on each site. Regular tree surveys are carried out to ensure that trees are safe. Hundreds of new young trees and hedging are planted on each restoration site always using species indigenous to the location.

Nesting boxes – We encourage wild birds to each of our sites with a range of nesting boxes and locations. At Over it is the great spotted woodpeckers who have found them of particular interest and they tend to do a little ‘remodeling’ of some of the boxes.  At Oxenhall and Dymock islands have been created for ducks and swans to nest on.

Swans are regular nesters at Over, Oxenhall and Llanthony Lock.

The osier (willow) beds – History tells us that one of the cargoes carried on the H & G Canal was willow, for uses from basketry to cricket bats. A number of different varieties of willow are grown along the banks of the River Leadon at Over. The cut osiers have been turned into a number of useful and artistic items.

Building the otter holt – In an attempt to encourage otters back to the banks of the River Leadon, a project was designed and implemented to provide them with a ready-made otter holt.

Flora of the waterway – The Wharfinger, has carried a regular article about the history of the plants on our sites that includes information about their medicinal properties.

Over honey bees – Over Basin is proving to be an ideal location for a local apiarist to place four hives. The wide range of flora around the basin provides the bees with an excellent supply of pollen for the production of their honey.  The Wharf House has this popular honey on sale in the Visitor Centre.