Funding to Support our Work
We have an increasing range of fantastic opportunities to restore parts of the original canal.
Many of these requiring the acquisition of associated parcels of land – so we have a dedicated and long-established LAND FUND.
In addition to land acquisition, further sums of money are inevitably needed to facilitate actual canal channel and towpath construction or restoration, fencing and associated access and environmental improvement works.
The acquisition of The Travellers Rest pub and restaurant (now The Malswick House)
at Newent for £225,000+VAT was only made possible by two further anonymous donations by members:
One of £10,000 and the other a short-term interest-free bridging loan of £60,000.
Current Projects that need funding:
Over Link Project
New for 2024, this projects aim is to re-create a link between Over Basin and the River Severn by reconstructing the original river lock.
Malswick Project
Following enabling works and payment made for the land we now need the money to actually re-excavate the canal channel and restore the towpath, work on which commenced during 2022.
Oxenhall No 2 Lock
Our next immediate project – a modern day lock starts at £250,000 if all conditions are ideal. From there the canal channel needs to be reinstated across the previously restored aqueduct towards the Newent station site.
Newent Station Site
A major project recently redefined to include a boat lift which will convey narrowboats between the former platforms of Newent station and across the Dymock Road, and new visitor facilities.
Once all conditions are met for the new residential development north of the railway viaduct we will need funds for the land acquisition and building of four new locks and a new canal channel bypassing the town.
Ways you can help:
There are a great many ways we can receive support – not least through donations, volunteering or other provision of knowledge and expertise.
Because the Trust is a registered charity, additional benefit can be derived through Gift Aid, a UK government scheme which can provide additional income to the Trust providing the simple rules of Gift Aid are met – see more on this below.
Other ways to help include gifting of plant and machinery, or of the wide range of building materials and other products needed to restore a canal.
We are also always in need of help with fundraising, applying for grants, project planning and management, surveying etc etc.
See more on volunteering here.
A grant of £20,000 to acquire a much-needed tractor
and attachments was secured from the SW Regional Development Agency, Defra and the European Commission, as part of the Rural Development Programme for England.
Ways to Donate and Help Make a Difference…
Please consider supporting us with a donation.
Options to consider are set out to the right, or simply just click below …
Your support, large or small, in whatever form, is very much appreciated by the Trust.
It means that our ultimate aim of completing full restoration of the Canal from Gloucester to Hereford remains an ambitious but achievable goal.
Thank you !
Donate On-Line
Donate by BACS
Donations to the Trust can be made by electronic bank transfer or BACS, which is a simple and secure process that can be arranged using most online banking applications.
Transfers should be made using the following details;
Bank Account No 11600694
Bank Sort Code 16-21-20
Reference – your surname
Alternatively, you might like to consider donating to the H&G CT a monthly sum paid by standing order. The value of these donations is again enhanced as they can similarly be Gift Aided if you are a relevant tax payer.
The Land Fund Leaflet includes a bankers order section permitting easy setting up of a standing order arrangement when completed and sent to your bank.
Thank you.
Donations and Gift Aid
Don’t forget Gift Aid – a scheme available to charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs). It means they can claim extra money from HMRC.
The charity or CASC can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you donate. That’s as long as you’ve paid the basic rate of tax and make the donation from your own funds. That means Gift Aid can increase the value of your donations by 25%, so you can give even more to the causes you care about.
This way, qualifying donors can boost their donations by 25p of Gift Aid from the government for every pound you give.
Gift Aid is important for charities, and means millions of pounds extra go to the charity sector. Each time an eligible tax payer donates and forgets to tick the Gift Aid box, the charity misses out.
More details on Gift Aid can be seen on the UK.GOV website – a Gift Aid declaration form can be downloaded from here.
Thank you.
Corporate Donations
Donations and any other forms of support from corporate bodies are always welcome – please get in touch with the Canal Trust Trustees through our Contact Us page.
Thank you.
Donate in Memory
The Trust welcomes opportunities to assist promoting the memory of individuals in response to a donation.
Please get in touch with the Canal Trust Trustees through our Contact Us page.
Thank you.
Remember the Trust in your Will
Remember the Herefordshire and Gloucestershire Canal Trust in your Will?
Leaving a legacy in your will is a great way to assist us moving forward with the restoration of the canal.
The course of the Canal runs through some of the most beautiful English countryside which so many more will enjoy from the restored Canal and clearly defined towpath. And, of course, it will connect with the national network of inland waterways unique to this country and enjoyed by so many.
A kind and generous bequest enabled us to purchase Llanthony Lock.
Have you considered remembering the H&G CT in your Will, please, as a lasting legacy to be used towards the restoration of the H&G Canal into a 34 mile working waterway?
Every single gift is vital to us and we appreciate any gift you may choose to leave us.
Whatever the value of your gift, it will make a difference.
We’ve partnered with to provide our supporters with the opportunity to make their own fully comprehensive Will for free. You can make your personalised Will online in three simple steps, from the comfort of your own home and with live support from their Will specialists.
As the H&G CT is a registered charity, your legacy would be subtracted from the value of your estate for tax purposes. This reduces the amount of your estate that is chargeable to inheritance tax as well as benefiting the work of the Trust.
It is recommended that you seek professional advice on your individual circumstances before signing a Will or adding a Codicil to an existing Will in favour of the Trust.
More information on bequests and a new legacy guide will shortly be available on this website.
Please get in touch with the Canal Trust Trustees through our Contact Us Page if you need any additional details.
Thank you.
Donate Used Postage Stamps
The trust can raise money from your used postage stamps.
Stamps can be handed in at any of our Social Evenings or other organised events, or posted direct to ;
Products, materials and equipment
A wide variety of surplus or unwanted items are donated to assist us, including tools and equipment for use on restoration and maintenance of the Canal and adjacent land, and items to assist with fund-raising.
Any offers of appropriate tools, equipment, building materials or anything else that might be of benefit would be hugely welcomed – please do not hesitate to Contact Us.
Thank you.
Give Whilst You Buy
We have registered with Easyfundraising, through which you can raise funds simply by doing your everyday online shopping!
Over 4,000 big name retailers are included, including Amazon, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, eBay, Boden and M&S.
We want to raise as much as possible so please click on the image below to sign up and help us.
Send eCards
An innovative way to support us –
Send Herefordshire and Gloucester Canal Trust Charity eCards with and donate the cost of printed greeting cards and stamps to the Trust.
Everyone will see that you donated and you can feel good about not wasting trees!
The Trust has teamed up with to make this as easy as it can be.
Just choose a card, add some words and enter the email address(es) to be sent to.
Thank You !
The Trust is most grateful to everyone who has made or is considering a donation, large or small, towards the restoration of the H&G Canal.
If you would like to speak to someone in confidence about a donation please contact our Treasurer through the Contact Us page from this website.
Thank you.