Get Involved..!

Please consider donating to the Trust to help us with our increasing range of opportunities to restore parts of the original canal.

Your donation can be made in aid of a specific cause or project, including land acquisition, planning and design work, canal channel and towpath construction or restoration, and environmental and wildlife habitat improvement works – the list is long!

Join the Trust and help us make a difference – you may be surprised at the number of ways in which you might be able to help us.

Rates start at just £10.00 per year.

Members of the Trust receive our quarterly magazine The Wharfinger, which contains news of restoration and the many other activities of the Trust.

The Trust’s very enthusiastic teams of volunteers work hard both behind the scenes and at various locations along the canal from Gloucester to Hereford.

We are also supported by the Waterways Recovery Group, and by corporate body volunteer teams wanting to make a difference.

As our project load continues to increase we seek more volunteers to meet a wide range of needs and would love to find a role for you.

Trust Newsletter

In addition to The Wharfinger Magazine, this website, and our YouTube and Facebook outlets, we also produce an occasional Digital Newsletter, sent out by email, to provide a  means of sharing our latest news and more immediate updates.

Please sign up and keep informed.