
The H&G CT is very pleased to welcome another regular user at Over Sailing4Disabled.

The club now meets every Tuesday between 11 and 2 at Over Canal Basin and it is open to anyone – whether they have a disability or not. The club’s leader, Pete Bisson says “The way our club measures its success is if people come back over and over again and that makes us think that we are doing something right”.

With co-operation and encouragement from the Herefordshire & Gloucestershire Canal Trust the club has been has been reborn at Over Basin from a previous existence elsewhere. Over Basin offers ideal conditions for people wanting to enjoy basic sailing. Pete is planning to bring some sailing dinghies and a second double kayak to the Basin. The Club is hoping to be able to permit wheelchair access onto some of the craft and be able to get people with severe mobility problems safely onto the water.

Sailing4Disabled welcomes new members (with or without a disability) so come along on a Tuesday between 11am and 2pm to join in the fun.