Aylestone Park

May 2014 – Construction of the Overflow Weir at Aylestone Park nears completion.

As can be seen in the photos we now have all the concrete finished on the impressive new overflow weir (capacity 6.5 cubic metres per second) to serve the City Centre and Canal which will in due course discharge via new reed beds. These will scrub the water and lead to a net increase in the quality of water discharged from the City of Hereford to the Wye catchment. Work […]

February 2014 – Aylestone Overflow Weir Construction

The contract for the construction of the weir was awarded by the H&G CT to Gardiners Construction. The work has not gone as fast as we would have liked but completion is getting closer. The narrow bank between the excavation and the Canal was breached at one stage due to flooding of the Canal and the contractor has used locally sourced clay to construct a wider bund between the Canal […]

November 2013 – Construction of the Overflow Weir at Aylestone Park

Construction of the Overflow Weir at Aylestone Park The H&G Canal Trust negotiated a new contract with Gardiners Construction to construct the weir on its behalf and, as Colin Dymott’s photographs show, work is progressed well although sadly hampered by the storm in late October. The Trust’s own volunteers would be on site later in November to tidy the general Canal area prior to the opening of the adjoining play […]

Spring 2013 – Aylestone Overflow Weir Plans

Delivery of the Aylestone Park Project on this site now moved to one that is contract led to ensure that what was now required at this key weir location could be delivered. Firstly, the background to the scheme … this is one of two versions of the H&G model overflow weir design. The weir is based on a similar principle to one recently constructed at Over, the Aylestone version being […]

Aylestone Boat Gathering – May 2011

Aylestone Boat Gathering – May 2011. Over 2,100 was the estimated attendance over the day of the Aylestone Boat Gathering at Aylestone Park in Hereford on 22 May 2011. Families enjoyed all the activities and attractions on offer including steam engines, vintage cars, and boat trips. The event was arranged to celebrate the completion of the new slipway as the first phase of our restoration of this section of the […]

Summer 2009 – Aylestone Park Canal Slipway Construction

Aylestone Park Canal Slipway Construction Following the construction of a large car park within 10m of the Canal on Aylestone Park, it was proposed to construct a slipway to allow trailed boats and other craft access to the Canal. Once the project was approved the Waterway Recovery Group were approached to help construct it during two week long summer work camps held the last week of July and the first […]

2007 – Aylestone Park Silt Removal

2007 Silt Removal Finally, specialist contractors Celtic Technologies moved onto site during summer 2007, to lift and treat the contaminated silt. The solution adopted saw 1800m3 of the silt taken from the canal, and processed on site in accordance with Herefordshire Council and Environment Agency requirements. The treated material was then used safely as inert fill in the bases of new roadway and car park hard standings within the park, […]