Over Basin

Canal Walk Leaflets Updated

Over the past twelve months the six existing Canal Walk leaflets have been updated, and can now be purchased online. A seventh Walk, planned around Ashperton, is in the course of preparation and should be available shortly.  

Water based activities at Over Basin

With lots of activities occurring at our Over Basin location we have allocated days to different organisations as follows; Sailing4Disabled operate on the water on Tuesdays Model Boats use the Water on Wednesday, Fridays and Sundays Discover Paddling use the water on Saturdays The H&GCT working parties day each week is typically Thursday and fishing is allowed via the Yellow Cap Fishing Club (YCFC) See more on the above on […]

Over Festival 2017

Over Festival 2017 Report – Volunteer Jenny Birkett reports on her first Over Festival experience…. ..being a new volunteer, I was impressed to see how the volunteers got on with our jobs in good humour. After Friday’s preparation it was great to see the Festival take shape on Saturday morning in time for the visitors. My role was to help in the refreshment tent very ably organised by Margaret. The […]

Over Basin Walk & Cycle Leaflet

The H&G CT Canal Walk leaflets are proving very popular with members and each includes part of the route of our Canal. We have just published a sixth walk leaflet – although this time it is equally suitable for cycles. Three picturesque routes to Over Basin from the villages of Higham and Maisemore and Gloucester City Docks. All three have well-maintained, all-weather surfaces and are suitable for walking or cycling. This enjoyable […]